استراتيجيات التداول

اجعل تداولك بسيطًا، منضبطًا وفعالاً.

ادعم تداولاتك مع قسم الاستراتيجية على موقعنا. التفاصيل الدقيقة التي لن تجدها في أي كتاب عن التداول، ولكنها ستعطيك المفتاح الرئيسي للتداول بثقة.

تداول السوينغ، سيكولوجية المتداول، المخاطر، سنغطي جميع هذه الجوانب وغيرها بغض النظر عن المسميات.

أخر الأخبار

كيفية الاستثمار في السوق الهابطة؟ 6 أشياء يجب معرفتها: اجعل السوق الهابطة هي وسيلة لتحقيق الأرباح

السوق الهابطة هي الفترة التي تنخفض فيها أسعار الأسهم باستمرار، غالبًا بنسبة 20٪ أو أكثر. ومن الضروري للمستثمرين فهم ديناميكيات السوق الهابطة واعتماد استراتيجيات مناسبة

اقرأ المقال كاملاً

كيف تؤثر عوائد السندات الأمريكية على سوق صرف العملات ، وأسواق الأسهم ، الذهب وأسعار النفط؟

يعد ارتفاع عوائد السندات الأمريكية محوراً أساسيا منذ بداية هذا العام فى الأسواق المالية العالمية. يتوقع المستثمرون في السوق أن تستمر عوائد الخزانة الأمريكية فى الارتفاع

اقرأ المقال كاملاً

公司已决定不再面向零售客户提供服务, 即时生效。故此不再接受零售客户开户申请。

对专业客户的服务将不受影响。申请专业客户请联系[email protected]


The Firm has taken the decision to cease providing services to retail clients, with immediate effect. We are therefore unable to accept any applications.

Services to professional clients will not be impacted. For professional applications please contact [email protected]


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Restrictions on Use

Products and Services on this website are not suitable for the UK residents. Such information and materials should not be regarded as or constitute a distribution, an offer, or a solicitation to buy or sell any investments. Please visit https://www.atfx.com/en/ to proceed.


Restrictions on Use

Products and Services on this website are not suitable for the UK residents. Such information and materials should not be regarded as or constitute a distribution, an offer, or a solicitation to buy or sell any investments. Please visit https://atfxgm.eu/en/ to proceed.


Restrictions on Use

Products and Services on this website are not suitable for the UK residents. Such information and materials should not be regarded as or constitute a distribution, an offer, or a solicitation to buy or sell any investments. Please visit https://www.atfx.com/en-au/ to proceed.


Restrictions on Use

Products and Services on this website are not suitable for the UK residents. Such information and materials should not be regarded as or constitute a distribution, an offer, or a solicitation to buy or sell any investments. Please visit https://www.atfx.com/ar/ to proceed.

Restrictions on Use

Products and Services on this website are not suitable for the UK residents. Such information and materials should not be regarded as or constitute a distribution, an offer, or a solicitation to buy or sell any investments. Please visit https://www.atfx.com/en/ to proceed.


Restrictions on Use

Products and Services on this website are not suitable for the UK residents. Such information and materials should not be regarded as or constitute a distribution, an offer, or a solicitation to buy or sell any investments. Please visit https://www.atfx.com/en-za/ to proceed.

Restrictions on Use

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Restrictions on Use

Products and Services on this website are not suitable for the UK residents. Such information and materials should not be regarded as or constitute a distribution, an offer, or a solicitation to buy or sell any investments. Please visit https://atfxgm.eu/en/ to proceed.


Restrictions on Use

AT Global Markets (UK) Limited does not offer trading services to retail clients.
If you are a professional client, please visit https://atfxconnect.com